Beaver Gallery

Brownsea Island 2015

The colony visited the birth place of scouting of Lord Baden Powell’s first camp 1907. There was fun to be had as we had a lunch picnic shared  with the invading peacocks and farm chickens, much to the amusement of everyone.

We had the pleasure of attending Gaia’s Musical…the kids liked the balloons making fart noises of course.

From the visitor centre we meandered to the Scout stone exploring the local pathways and took part in the fresh air and sunshine. The colony was witness to Turtle being invested making her promise to our Group Scout Leader Lynn. We also invested two new beavers to the colony, the first of 2nd Newbury to invested on this special location. We took our photograph as a colony then with all the parents.

It was a fun day out by all, a few victim to sunburns as the cloudy forecast became a gorgeous sunny day. We have to do a bi-annual visit again.

Seahorse, Starfish, Angelfish, and Mussel’s

Special mentions to Chil, Lynn & Bagheera