Current fund-raising initiatives


Please remember to log onto before you buy online.  Please choose 2nd Newbury Scout Group.  This will enable the group to receive a percentage of the costs.

Football Cards

We have given every family one fund-raising card. The cards have 40 squares on them, each of them containing the name of a football team. We would like you to sell the squares to friends, families and work colleagues, at £1 per go. When you sell a box, just enter the name and mobile number of the person buying it. When all squares have been sold, you peel off the strip on the card which will reveal the winning team. The person who bought the winning square will receive £10, the rest of the money raised should be returned to the 2nd Newbury Leaders along with the card.

Please can you return the completed card and money in an envelope labelled “Executive Committee – Fund-raising” by Friday 28th February 2014.