2nd Newbury Patrol Leaders are expected to behave responsibly and set a good example to all other Scouts in the Troop.
They are expected to support their patrol during ceremonies, ensuring all patrol members know what to do and that they are wearing their uniform correctly.
Duty Patrol Leaders will break and lower the flag on troop evenings and camps. They will also be asked to carry the flag on parades. They may also be asked to fold the flag at the start or end of the evening.
If we have visitors to our troop evenings or camps, Duty Patrol Leaders will be expected to send a Thank you card or bring one on the evening to give to the visitor. We have created a suitable template (preview below), although we do welcome templates made by Scouts.
A summary from the scout association, Tools for Patrol Leaders, is also available.
Eventually, the most able Patrol Leaders may be promoted to Senior Patrol Leaders, with responsibilities over the whole troop.