Each patrol can earn points during the term. At the end of each term a trophy is awarded to the winning patrol.
Points are awarded individually or per patrol for things you do well. This could be good behaviour, following instructions, listening carefully, helping each other, achieving a task set and many more. Points are issued by all leaders and added on so you can see them on our website.
You can also gain 10 points by entering a competition, 5 points by coming on camp and 2 points by attending church services and other parades.
The first patrol ready will be awarded 5 points for being ready for flag break and 5 points for being ready for the lowering of the flag. Scouts will need to be wearing uniform correctly, shirts tucked in and all buttons fastened, they will need to be standing to at ease.
Patrols will be awarded 10 points if their Patrol Leader sends a Thank You card or letter to a visitor or place that we have visited.
If you have any other ideas about how points should be awarded please give us your suggestion.